Sunday, March 14, 2010

Young immigrants declare illegal status

These kids can't get driver licenses or jobs or afford college and are trying to put a face on immigration problems. They did this on "National Coming Out of the Shadows Day". - - Donna Poisl

By Serena Maria Daniels, Tribune reporter

Overcoming their fear of deportation, a group of college-age immigrants publicly admitted their undocumented status at a rally at the Federal Plaza on Wednesday in hopes of putting a face on the need for comprehensive immigration reform.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

1 comment:

American Citizen! said...

If people like Nico's mother, an undocumented worker, weren't in this country, "sweat shops," like the one she worked in, couldn't survive! The fact is, we have laws in this country, whether you like them or not. If you break the law, you are a criminal...plain and simple! Why should you be rewarded with anything? For example: A drivers' license is a priveledge, not a right, even for an American citizen.
Everyone wants a better life for their family but you can't break the law to get it! 90% of illegal immigrants are from Mexico. That is not a country with a dictator or death squads roaming the streets. No one can claim amnesty on the grounds of persecution. America simply has more than they do and they want it! Well, Americans worked to get where they are. I don't want my Social Security to go to immigrants who never paid into the system!
There is nothing wrong with legal immigration. My grandparents were immigrants 100 years ago. No one gave them a free handout of anything!