Friday, March 05, 2010

National Campaign seeks to return attention in U.S. Congress back to Immigration Reform

Check out this story for information about the march and to sign up for the bus trips to Washington DC in 2 weeks. - - Donna Poisl

Roughly 100,000 people are planned to rally in Washington, D.C. in March

By Ingrid Marie Rivera, La Prensa Correspondent

LORAIN: Latino and other leaders are uniting around the nation to turn the attention in U.S. Congress back to immigration reform after they say President Barack Obama has failed to address the issue in his first year in office as he had promised.

Through the national campaign, Reform Immigration For America, immigrant, labor, business and faith leaders around the country are hoping to recruit more than 100,000 people to rally in Washington, D.C., on March 21, 2010, in hopes of pressuring legislators to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year.

For more information on the Washington, D.C. rally or to sign up for a bus, call (866) 877-5944 or visit the campaign's web site at
In español visit:
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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