Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Bar Serves as Classroom for Immigrants Learning Job-Hunting Skills

This is an interesting and unusual way to teach job hunting skills to immigrants. But it is a valid way to do some networking and they should know how. - - Donna Poisl


Rosemary Agbonlahor had never gone to a bar, an outing reserved for men in her native Nigeria. Neither had Bigyan Khanal, a schoolteacher from Nepal, who said that drinking alcohol was rare in his homeland.

Their visit to the Irish pub Slainte on the Bowery last week was one step in their efforts to learn the different ways and places to conduct a job hunt in the United States. Ms. Agbonlahor, Mr. Khanal and immigrants from dozens of other developing countries are working with the nonprofit group Upwardly Global, which helps immigrant professionals find jobs in their own fields rather than driving taxis or washing dishes.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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