Monday, October 21, 2013

Immigration Reform 2013 News: President Obama Looks to Push for Vote on Immigration Bill

President Obama wants to push immigration reform as soon as the debt limit and budget are agreed to. The Senate passed a bill, the House has it now, let's hope the House works on it and will call for a vote.  - - Donna Poisl

By Jean-Paul Salamanca

Even with the nation still gripped in a fiscal crisis with Congress still arguing over the debt ceiling, President Obama told the nation Tuesday that he would push for a vote on immigration reform.

In a sit-down interview with Spanish-language network Univision, President Obama said that the stalled issue of immigration reform, which currently remains frozen in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, would become a top priority for him once Congress can agree on a deal regarding the debt limit.

"Once that's done, you know, the day after, I'm going to be pushing to say, call a vote on immigration reform," he told Univision, as noted by Reuters.
Click on the HEADLINE above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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