Friday, July 05, 2013

97 immigrants from 36 countries become U.S. citizens in Kissimmee ceremony,0,156522.story

New citizens were sworn in on July 4th all over the country.   - - Donna Poisl

By Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel

Jose Emilio Castaneda dressed for the occasion, not the weather, in a dark three-piece suit as he walked slowly with his cane through Thursday's soggy afternoon heat toward the Kissimmee Civic Center.

He was one day out of the hospital, still recovering from colon surgery, but each difficult step brought him closer toward becoming a U.S. citizen on Independence Day.

Born 62 years ago in Mexico City, Castaneda felt he was starting life all over as one of 97 immigrants from 36 countries who received their U.S. citizenship in a naturalization ceremony at the civic center.

"I feel like I am born again, especially on the Fourth of July," said Castaneda, who came to the United States 15 years ago. "Always in my life I want to do the right thing, make the right decision. It makes me a part of this country."
Click on the LINK above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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