Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sign petition: ask Obama administration to help Alabama immigrants

from Mohammad Abdollahi, co-founder of DreamActivist.org

If you thought Indiana, Georgia or Arizona passed bad laws then just do some research on Alabama's HB56! Last week the Governor of Alabama signed the bill, it is expected to go into effect pretty soon.

Ask President Obama to step it up for Alabama. Click on the headline.

The Alabama law will require K-12 schoolchildren to not only verify their own legal status, but also that of their parents! This is only a small part of how bad this law would make living in Alabama for immigrants.

Last year, when SB1070 passed in Arizona, President Obama stepped in with the Justice Department and filed suit against the state. The most harmful parts of the Arizona measure where halted before going into law. The Alabama bill is so bad that there should be no reason why the Obama administration would not do the same.

Sign the petition asking the Obama administration to step up for immigrants in Alabama. Please pass on this ask to your friends and family. This is a bad bill. It needs to be overturned.

Thank you,

Mohammad Abdollahi
co-founder of DreamActivist.or

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