Monday, December 21, 2009

We are not Europe...

Read about this testimony at a Congressional committee last week, discussing whether we have a home grown terrorist problem (with some of our immigrant youth) and becoming more like Europe. - - Donna Poisl


In the wake of the Fort Hood massacre and recent arrests involving some young men seeking association with dangerous international terrorist activity and others who appeared to be on the verge of carrying out terrorist actions in the US, questions have been raised by politicians and the media. "Do we have a homegrown terrorist problem?" "Are we becoming like Europe?"

It was in this context that I accepted an invitation, last week, to testify before a Congressional committee. I was pleased that the committee wasn't buying into the media frenzy, but was seeking, instead, a sober discussion, because I believe that this entire matter is critical not only to our national security, it also represents a test of our national character.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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