Friday, December 18, 2009

Immigrant helps to heal other refugee families

This 30 year old immigrant, who came here as a teen aged refugee is helping immigrant and refugee families in his city learn how to fit in and be successful here. - - Donna Poisl

By Sean Kirst / The Post-Standard

Based on what he witnessed as a teen-ager, Mirza Tihic decided to go into medicine. Tihic comes from Bosnia. He lost 60 male relatives, he said, including his grandfather, in the Serbian "ethnic cleansing" of the 1990s. With his parents, he escaped to Germany. From there, the family came to Syracuse, where Tihic sought a peaceful way of pushing back against the forces that tore apart his family.

"The goal was to be a doctor, to help humankind," he said. "In a war, when the doctor shows up - even if the doctor has no tools - people feel more secure."
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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