Monday, December 07, 2009

Stetson University student helps Hispanic homeowners understand their rights

Wouldn't it be great if every community had a local bilingual person who would translate and in the process help everyone learn their rights and responsibilities? Helping these people understand the statutes enabled them to start a homeowners association and protect themselves. - - Donna Poisl

by John Barry, Times Staff Writer

CLEARWATER — Every chair, every sofa in the Southern Comfort clubhouse was taken Tuesday night. Older Anglos crowded shoulder to shoulder alongside young Hispanic mothers and fathers propping children on their laps. The one dog present had to lie on the floor. All were trying out democracy. Most didn't understand each other's language.

It was an episode of unforced, organic, civic assimilation. They were organizing two basic community institutions — a homeowners association and a crime watch. It was possible because of a Stetson University law student there to translate.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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