Thursday, December 31, 2009

'Complementarity' & 'Circularity': New Words Fuel Immigration Debate

Immigration reform and economic recovery are connected, this will be an interesting debate. Let's hope it is civil and successful. - - Donna Poisl

New America Media, News analysis, Marcelo Ballvé

With a national debate on the impact of foreign workers on jobs and the economy heating up for 2010, it’s time to brush up on some relevant policy jargon. Two words in particular – “complementarity” and “circularity” – seem to have caught the attention of experts, as legislators prepare to consider a new immigration reform bill introduced by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill.

“Complementarity” refers to an immigrant workforce that fills niches and roles that complements rather than competes with what U.S.-born workers are offering. For immigration advocates, it’s a fancy way of saying that, even in economic hard times, immigrant workers perform jobs that Americans prefer not to do.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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