Friday, June 19, 2009

Let's Re-light the Lamp by the Golden Door: A Case for Immigration Reform

An interesting opinion piece, talking about the need for immigration reform. - - Donna Poisl

By Steve Cohen

Recently, we read news reports that a Sudanese family, granted asylum in the United States due to the war in Darfur, was finally reunited after a two year struggle with U.S. Immigration. The separation of these parents from their four year old child was heartbreaking, and an example of an immigration system that does not serve our national interest.

I know that when most people think of immigration reform they think of the issue of illegal immigrants and of our border with Mexico. That is a problem that needs to be addressed, and I do not want to minimize the importance of that issue. Even though illegal immigrants take jobs that American citizens would not accept and at salaries citizens would not tolerate, the issue of immigration remains wrapped in fear for many Americans.

There is the fear that an immigrant will take your job. There is the fear that an immigrant is a terrorist and a danger to our security. Despite these fears, as long as there is a tourism industry, global trade and jet travel, there will be relatively free movement of people and goods around the globe. Sealing our borders is a fantasy and it’s an idea that doesn’t serve us well.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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