Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Will you sponsor the DREAM ACTion in D.C.?

from Mohammad Abdollahi, Co-founder of

Major actions being planned for Washington D.C. starting July 19th. Now we need your help to make sure all of those happen.

Sponsor the actions in D.C. at

We have been getting confirmations from students as far as Washington State and California, students who are telling us they are going to drop everything they are doing to be sure to be here in D.C. to demand once and for all that their legislators pass the DREAM Act. We know many of you will not be able to make it so instead we are asking that you donate some funds so that others can make the trip. You can sponsor one rider for just $25.

This will be our final mass action for the DREAM Act for the summer. Even if you cannot be here in Washington D.C. you can still be a big part of the action.

Thanks, we cannot wait to see everyone in D.C.,

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