Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sign petition for DREAM Act

from Marissa Graciosa, Reform Immigration FOR America

Today, thousands of young immigrants who were brought here at a young age are waiting for the DREAM Act to have a chance to go to college. Sign this petition to Congress to give them the opportunity they deserve:

Our broken immigration system needs reform now. Pass the DREAM Act as a step towards comprehensive immigration reform.

Click on the headline above to add your name to this petition and send it to your Representative and Senators.

The DREAM Act would allow students who are undocumented to earn their citizenship. These students have worked hard for years in the hopes of going to college, furthering their educations, and making a difference in the world. But our broken immigration system makes that impossible.

The DREAM Act is one step toward a fair and just immigration policy, and an important one. Congress should pass it immediately. Please join me in taking action today.

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