Sunday, July 04, 2010

Navarrette: Immigration reform

Mr. Navarrette says U.S. immigration reform should be separate from the Mexican laws, we have our own laws and standards and should follow them. - - Donna Poisl


SAN DIEGO — This Fourth of July, I’d like to see the critics of comprehensive immigration reform be more patriotic. They can start by holding the United States up to high standards and quit insisting it emulate countries that are worse off.

My gripe is with those who use the flaws in Mexico’s immigration law as an excuse not to fix the flaws in U.S. immigration law — as if one had anything to do with the other.

It doesn’t. Just because Mexico went over a cliff by closing itself off to foreigners — both in terms of shutting its doors to immigrants and restricting foreign investment in key industries such as petroleum — why should the United States follow?
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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