Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Immigration raises economic debate

An interesting story about companies that try to get citizen workers and can't. Lots of good info in this story, both for and against the theory that we need more workers and soon. DP

Lower wages or higher prices?
By SUDEEP REDDY / The Dallas Morning News

The Dallas Morning News : Offering pay that tops $10 an hour with health insurance and a pension plan, Linda Amodeo posts banners, runs ads in the papers and pitches people on the streets of Dallas to join her company.

She doesn't have much luck. That's why she wants Congress to act so she can hire guest workers from abroad.
"I exhaust myself first, trust me," said Ms. Amodeo, vice president of City Wide Building Services Inc., a small window-cleaning firm. "I go through the Texas Workforce Commission and try everything to get employees."

The nation's fiery battle over illegal immigration and guest worker proposals has drawn out businesses of all sizes with a simple message: We need more workers.

Much of the U.S. debate has been driven by concerns about filling what are often called jobs that Americans won't do. Supporters of increased immigration say there simply aren't enough people to do those jobs in a workforce that's becoming older and better educated.

Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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