Thursday, April 13, 2006

Immigrants have strong voice in government

Many first and second generation immigrants are in this government, let's hope they can speak for immigrants in the public and work on a good, fair immigration plan. DP

By TOM RAUM, ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER : America is a land of immigrants, and official Washington mirrors their struggles and successes.

While the halls of Congress echo with a political battle over immigration laws, the sons, daughters and grandchildren of immigrants sit around the Cabinet table with President Bush - Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

Mel Martinez, who escaped from Cuba without his family when he was 15, was Bush's first housing secretary and now represents Florida in the U.S. Senate.

Other members of first and second generation immigrant families serve throughout the administration - and in Congress, where some with direct immigrant ties like Martinez have played vocal roles in the debate.

Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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