Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Members of Congress rally support for the Museum in upcoming bill

Passionate advocates for the American Latino Museum, Representative Xavier Becerra (D-CA) and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) gathered support from 22 other Members of Congress and sent a letter of support to their respective Appropriations Subcommittees on the Interior. The letter called for inclusion of language in support of the museum in the upcoming appropriations bill. We are proud of these 24 Members of Congress and thank them for pursuing the next step to bring us closer to the day we can open the doors to a national American Latino Museum on the National Mall.

The House of Representatives letter can be found here, and the Senate letter. (PDF)

Moving the American Latino Museum forward is a top priority for Congressional leadership. In a recent Congressional Quarterly article Senators Menendez and Reid state that they are “working hard” to get the Smithsonian American Latino Museum Act passed in the “remainder of the [legislative] session.”

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