Saturday, August 21, 2010

While we debate the issue of an official language, new immigrants line up to learn English in Minnesota

This article proves that immigrants are lining up for English classes and they all know how important it is to learn English. It disproves the myth that they don't care. - - Donna Poisl


There's been a lot of political discussion of late about the English language - whether it should be our government's official mode of communication.

Tim Pawlenty, our maybe-presidential-candidate, is agreeable to that. The Lino Lakes City Council has decreed it.

Some politicians even suggest immigrants and refugees shouldn't be allowed past Lady Liberty unless they speak English.

Given all that, you might think people not born here don't want to learn English. The numbers and the people tell you otherwise.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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