Monday, August 09, 2010

An immigrant herself, Seattle's Pramila Jayapal leads the push for reform

An interesting story about the leader of this immigrant advocacy group. She is using her own story and experience to help others. - - Donna Poisl

Jayapal is a strong voice in the national immigration debate — a long way from her days as a Wall Street investment banker.

By Bob Young

INSIDE THE lobby of a Seattle skyscraper that houses federal immigration courts, Pramila Jayapal is pacing.

Glancing furtively at a security guard, she puts one foot ahead of another, heel-to-toe, in her size-8 scuffed boots — trying to figure out how many protesters it will take, with locked arms, to block access to two banks of elevators. She counts off the distance between them: "Fifty-six feet."

It's a long way from her high-flying days on Wall Street. But now Jayapal is firmly on the ground, leading the state's largest immigrant-advocacy group, OneAmerica, which she built from scratch. She's a big player.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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