Monday, May 25, 2009

Are we raising global citizens?

A very thoughtful opinion piece by a school teacher. She says that immigrants should learn English, but Americans should all know another language too, so we can live and work and compete in the world. Or we will all be left behind. - - Donna Poisl

BY Kathy Palomino, teacher

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a World Affairs Council event and was fascinated by Fareed Zakaria's predictions for the future. A little nervous, also – he looked in my general direction and said that blue-eyed blondes (guilty) will no longer dominate business in the new, more global economy.

I squirmed as I wondered if this expert in global affairs was right, but I quickly threw off my white-girl angst because I know that not too many decades have passed since my German grandparents had to face fierce prejudice. Still, I have to admit that I have occasionally opened doors with just a smile.

Zakaria warns that being American will soon no longer be enough of an entry pass to compete in the new economy. His words stating that other governments are rising and changing the distribution of power gave me serious food for thought. I feel that he is correct in his predictions.
Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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