Monday, April 13, 2009

Voicing Pain Through Performance

These immigrant kids are coming together and performing their stories. A terrific way for everyone else to find out the difficult lives they lead and what prompted them to come to the U.S. - - Donna Poisl


Standing in a circle, in a windowless classroom near an on-ramp to the Queensboro Bridge, two dozen high school students chanted in unison. Their accents revealed their origins: Honduras, Ghana, Albania, Vietnam.

What are we, why are we, where are we going?

Why are we leaving, what are we doing?

Then, rapid-fire, they spoke the lines they had first uttered in a classroom discussion about displacement and emigration but now were molding into art.

“We had to leave; the rebels took over!” declared Stephanie Saint-Val, from Haiti.

“We left the city for the desert,” Hadeel al-Hindawi, from Iraq, said more shyly.
Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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