Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pronunciation key to success in English

This class helps new English speakers learn the various sounds that are not in their own language, but very necessary in English. We would have the same problem learning their languages. - - Donna Poisl

By Dan Barker

Speaking English means more than learning words, which is why Morgan Community College is offering a course in pronunciation.

For many immigrants, it can be hard to even hear the kinds of sounds that Americans use in speaking their version of English, because not every language uses the same sounds, said teacher Ruth Tryon.

On Tuesday, the class was studying the “V” and “B” sounds, which can be difficult to differentiate, she said. They sound the same to those who do not use them in their native tongue.

Tryon had them work to see that the “B” sound uses the lips and the “V” sound uses the lips and teeth with a sound in the throat. They spent time seeing if they could notice the difference and try the sounds out by exaggerating the use of their lips and teeth.
Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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