Tuesday, October 02, 2012

In a land of immigrants, we all have a story

True, we all have a story. My grandparents came from Ireland as young adults, all they had to do was report at Ellis Island and they got in.    - - Donna Poisl

Post by Brian O'Neill

In this nation of immigrants, most people can count on one hand the number of generations since their family tree found American soil. The struggle to immigrate and integrate into America is an ongoing narrative.

Of course not all arrival’s come through our front door. The Trib’s comprehensive article, describing Oscar Campos Estrada’s journey from illegal entry to a deportation trial, is a peek inside the world of illegal immigration. It is a bizarre, contradictory reality that resembles the land Alice found when she fell down the rabbit hole.

My last immigration column, in which I described working alongside federal agents in pursuit of gang members (who were also illegal aliens), was from the opposite perspective of Campos Estrada. My own family’s story, however, shares some overlap.
Click on the HEADLINE above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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