Monday, January 25, 2010

Immigrants often see peril in reporting domestic abuse

Immigrants have to be taught that domestic violence must not be tolerated. L.A. county is working to educate their residents and show them what to do, who to call and where to go for help - - Donna Poisl

Language barriers, cultural differences and lack of information keep many women tied to abusive spouses. Help is available.

By Anna Gorman

Indian immigrant Rumi Jaggi said she didn't report the abuse in part because of cultural expectations that she would stay married. R.M. said she didn't leave her husband because she spoke only Mandarin and relied on him to pay the bills. Concepcion Arellano said she endured abuse because she feared deportation.

Though Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies and community organizations have made advances in responding to domestic violence in immigrant communities, attorneys and advocates say many victims still face obstacles in reporting abuse and seeking help.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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