Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ask Your Representative to Support the Immigration Oversight and Fairness Act

Click on the headline to go to the HIAS page to send a letter to your representative supporting this act. - - Donna Poisl

Ask Your Representative to Support the Immigration Oversight and Fairness Act

Please send a letter to your Members of Congress to ask for their support of the Immigration Oversight and Fairness Act (H.R. 1215), which was introduced by Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA). If passed, the bill would establish screening protocols to verify that vulnerable individuals, including asylum seekers, children, the elderly, and pregnant women, are treated humanely and identified for alternatives to detention. The bill also would require training for Department of Homeland Security personnel to ensure that unaccompanied immigrant children are cared for appropriately. Another provision of the bill would create enforceable standards to guarantee access to medical care and legal assistance.


UUBox said...

The member so Bay Area Unitarian Universalist church recently held an Immigration Awareness activity aimed to draw attention to the issues addressed in this bill. The members give their full support for this bill and are sending a letter to their local representatives with signatures voicing that support. Thanks for pushing a good cause.

erick said...

The employment-based routes for US Green Cards allow those with "extraordinary" or "exceptional" ability in their field to immigrate to the US via the EB-1 visa and EB-2 visa services respectively.