Sunday, September 03, 2006

Let's Talk Food: Immigrants' recipes made lasting impression on cuisine

Labor Day is a holiday celebrating the worker. A perfect time to celebrate all the immigrants who have come here for centuries and brought their foods and recipes with them. DP

By Doris Reynolds Labor Day is the quintessential American holiday. Along with the Fourth of July it is a holiday that celebrates our freedom, our ingenuity and greatness.

Labor Day was designed to recognize the accomplishment and the contributions of those working in industry. It gives credit to the millions who have labored to make our country the most prosperous and desirable place on earth.

Peter McGuire, president and founder of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, originated the idea of a national holiday saluting the contribution of laborers. He chose the first Monday in September simply because he saw it as the most pleasant time of the year, conveniently between the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.

Most of this labor force is made up of immigrants who came to our shores seeking freedom from economic, religious and political persecution. They have contributed mightily to our culture, social and religious life. They have made a great contribution to our culinary life, bringing with them the foods and recipes of their native countries.

This melting pot of gastronomic creations has resulted in an American cuisine that is the most fascinating in the world of food. We have a bit of the whole world here.
Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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