Monday, December 09, 2013

Jose Andres: Immigrants, like me, want to succeed. Congress should let them.

This opinion piece is very interesting, he writes from the viewpoint of one who has lived this.   - - Donna Poisl

by Jose Andres, a chef and restaurant owner

The first time I saw America was from my perch on the mast of a Spanish naval ship, where I could spot the Statue of Liberty reaching proudly into the open, endless American sky. At night, I would often wonder whether that sky was the explanation for the stars on the American flag — put there so the world would know that this is a place of limitless possibility, where anyone from anywhere can strive for a better life.

I recalled that starry sky on Nov. 13, when after 23 years in America, my wife, Patricia, and I were sworn in as United States citizens. The naturalization ceremony in Baltimore, attended by 72 other tearful immigrants from 35 countries, was a moment I had dreamed about since the day I arrived in America with little more than $50 and a set of cooking knives, determined to belong. I eventually settled in Washington, where my partners and I have been fortunate to build a restaurant business that now employs thousands of Americans across the country.
Click on the HEADLINE above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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