Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Celebrate National Day of Citizenship

from  ya es hora campaign

Today, there are more than 8.3 million Legal Permanent Residents who are eligible to become U.S. citizens, and the road to citizenship is a meaningful journey for those who embark on it.  These journies carry with them rich stories, and are inspired by a multitude of motivations. Like Miguel who started his application so he can help his daughter have access to the resources she needs to pursue her dream of attending college. Or Katia,  a 23-year-old college student, who one day dreams of becoming a psychologist.

These dreams are American dreams and today we invite you to celebrate citizenship with us by sharing your story of what citizenship means to you on Facebook. For those considering U.S. citizenship, we invite you to begin this journey, and join us as we celebrate citizenship across the country.

Naturalization is one aspect of citizenship; another is registering to vote. We are 49 days away from this year's election, and we urge all U.S. citizens 18 and over to register to vote. If you already are, encourage your friends and family members to register to vote. This year's election is not about the candidates or their positions; this year's election is about you - register to vote today.
- ya es hora campaign

Questions? For more info, call 888-VE-Y-VOTA / 888-839-8682

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