Monday, August 27, 2012

What Happens to US-Born Kids of Deported Undocumented Immigrants?

Read this long article, it tells about some families that have been torn apart by a parent being deported and the citizen children being left behind.    - - Donna Poisl

from FoxLatinoNews

STAMFORD, Conn. –  Alexis Molina was just 10 years old when his mother was abruptly cut out of his life and his carefree childhood unraveled overnight.

Gone were the egg-and-sausage tortillas that greeted him when he came home from school, the walks in the park, the hugs at night when she tucked him into bed. Today the sweet-faced boy of 11 spends his time worrying about why his father cries so much, and why his mom can't come home.

"She went for her papers," he says. "And she never came back."
Click on the HEADLINE above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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