Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The application is out!

from Celso Mireles, Online Organizer, United We Dream

This is the moment we were waiting for. The application was released yesterday and today is the first day you can apply for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Raymond Jose from Rockville, Maryland just filled out his application and describes that he will “have the means to overcome this obstacle [of being undocumented].” He plans to help his parents and his community by pursuing an education in the nursing profession.

Will you help every DREAMer and immigrant family you know by sending them an email (click here) with details on how they can apply for DACA? You can be the lifeline for your friends.

Evelyn Rivera applied for DACA today. She described it as bringing a sense of relief to her parents, “they can finally stop worrying about me.” She feels like she can now spend all her energy fighting for our community which includes those not covered by DACA: our friends and parents.

Will you share the application with all your friends so this information gets to every DREAMer out there?

Celso Mireles
Online Organizer
United We Dream

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