Monday, June 25, 2012

Our next steps: Educate, mobilize, vote

from Gabe Gonzalez, Reform Immigration FOR America

Today, the Supreme Court has let stand the despicable "Papers, please" provision of Arizona's SB 1070 that allows police to profile individuals based on the color of their skin.

The ruling follows last week's courageous announcement on administrative relief for DREAMers. While the Obama administration endorses positive reform for our families, the Supreme Court decision supports discrimination over equality.

It's time for us to hand down our decision. Now is the time to use the power of our movement to stand up for the only real solution for our broken system: comprehensive immigration reform.

How do we do that? Today we are kicking off the RI4A Organizing Project, a national initiative to educate, mobilize, and get out the vote.

We must use our voices and our votes to educate our friends and families about key policies, mobilize our communities, and vote for pro-reform champions like never before. If we do this, we can secure more victories and make comprehensive immigration reform a reality.

We have ambitious goals to push back against the national assault on immigrant communities -- and your support will be critical to ensuring reform and justice for our families is a front and center priority, in 2012 and beyond.

Get involved today. The futures of our communities depend on it.


Gabe Gonzalez
Reform Immigration FOR America

PS: For more analysis on the Supreme Court's ruling, read and share our latest blog post. We will keep it updated as we learn more about the decision.

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