Monday, May 30, 2011

Immigrant women face high levels of harassment, and most never report it.

Sexual harassment of immigrant women is rarely reported, since they are afraid they will be deported. - - Donna Poisl


There is evidence that the majority of women immigrants in the United States experience some form of sexual harassment or coercion on the job, and very few of them come forward.

In one recent study of 150 immigrant women working in the food industry conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, titled “Injustice On Our Plates,” every single one – yes, that is 100 percent – reported some kind of workplace sexual harassment, and for the majority, this involved a sexual assault. According to SPLC’s Senior Staff Attorney Mónica Ramirez, most did not know they had any legal recourse. Only a few reported it. 

Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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