Friday, October 01, 2010

Hurry! Register to Vote!

from Chris Torres, Reform Immigration FOR America

It's come down to this.

You know what we're up against. Our opponents won't stop until Arizona, and the rest of the country, are living under the fear and uncertainty so many of us face each day. They'll use all the tools available to them to keep our families and our communities from the respect we deserve.

They tried it with SB 1070. Governor Jan Brewer tried it by making up lies and spreading fear. Sheriff Joe Arpaio tried it with his reign of terror and hate. Everywhere we turn, our opponents have tried to demonize, marginalize, and discourage us.

We can stop them on Election Day. But only if we keep fighting and organizing now.

Click on the headline, above, to register to vote and make our power heard.

This Election Day is the most crucial moment for us to show our power. To make sure our voices are heard then, we need to organize now. There are many ways you can help grow our movement. Volunteer with us, and keep the forces we're fighting from gaining ground this Election Day.

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