Thursday, August 13, 2009

Muslim Community Encouraged by Immigrant Affairs Commissioner

The new appointee as immigrant affairs commissioner is a woman who speaks five languages and understands the immigrant story and problems in NYC. - - Donna Poisl

by Julianne Welby

NEW YORK, NY August 12, 2009 —Members of the city's Muslim community are expressing optimism about Mayor Bloomberg's choice for a new immigrant affairs commissioner. He appointed an education adviser from his administration named Fatima Shama, who speaks five languages - including Arabic - and whose father is Palestinian. Linda Sarsour, with the Arab American Association of New York, expects Shama to push for Muslim holidays in public schools.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.


IslamicThoughts said...
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IslamicThoughts said...

i hope things will get more better for Muslim imigrants and they will get Islamic holidays in the calender.

Sussana Martin
Islamic School