Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Fitting in: Muslim teens find peers are curious but accepting

The attitude of most of these teens is encouraging. They are curious and want to know more about their fellow students who are Muslim. - - Donna Poisl


As Muslims across the nation battle the perception that they intend to destroy America, the peers of Muslim students in Toledo area schools have a more accepting attitude about their religious and cultural differences.

The result is an assimilation process into what’s still very much a Christian society that’s made much easier for young people who are Muslim. And when they’re asked about those differences, a good dose of self confidence in young Muslims helps.

"When I’m asked about my clothes, I say it’s a part of my religion and that as I get older I have to wear the scarf. It protects you and keeps you beautiful," said 11-year-old Tisata Ashar Muhammad, a sixth grader at Toledo Islamic Academy.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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