Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tell why voting matters to you

from Marissa Graciosa, Reform Immigration FOR America

November 2nd is less than 3 weeks away.

All across the country, people are making plans to get to the polls on November 2nd or voting early.
Each of them has their own reasons for showing up and making their voice heard. We want to hear yours.

Even if you can’t vote, let us know why voting is important and help encourage others who can to get out to the polls.

Click on the headline above to Tell us why voting matters to you.

Voting this Election Day is the most important way we can let our leaders know where we stand. Since their jobs and their futures depend on what we do on November 2nd, it’s up to us to tell them where our priorities lie.

After the polls close and the results are in, the media and the politicos will spend hours discussing what this election was really about. But we know it's about you. Let us know why voting in this election matters to you.

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