Tuesday, March 23, 2010

At Rally, Call for Urgency on Immigration Reform

Many thousands of demonstrators marched in Washington DC Sunday for immigration reform. They feel hopeful that it can be worked on and done this year. - - Donna Poisl


WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied here on Sunday, calling for legislation this year to give legal status to millions of illegal immigrants and seeking to pressure President Obama to keep working on the contentious issue once the health care debate is behind him.

Demonstrators filled five lengthy blocks of the Washington Mall, down the hill from the Capitol where last-minute negotiations were under way on the health care bill. The immigrant activists, chanting Mr. Obama’s campaign slogan of “Yes we can” in Spanish and English, tried to compete with their numbers for public and media attention which were mainly focused on the climactic health care events in the House of Representatives.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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