Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Brain on Books: 20 Proven Benefits of Being an Avid Reader

Some immigrant cultures are not accustomed to reading to their small children, this article might prove why this is a good thing to do. Children who are read to when young, usually become book lovers, (it helps the parents learn English too).  - - Donna Poisl

by Staff Writers at

Romantic types like to portray books as flights of fancy offering up imaginative escapes from everyday drudgeries of work, school, and the like. But literature, no matter the medium, holds some pretty amazing, scientifically analyzed perks right here on terra firma. Passionate readers generally enjoy more finely-tuned brains than those who prefer more passive (though not lesser) activities, so anyone hoping to improve their minds both psychologically and cognitively might want to think about taking up the habit of regular reading.
Click on the LINK above to read the 20 benefits!

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