Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make legal citizenship more accessible to immigrants

This opinion piece is pushing for immigrants to become citizens MUCH easier than they can now. We need immigration reform now. - - Donna Poisl

by Leonardo Castaneda

Immigration in America began with the wide-eyed British settlers who landed in Virginia centuries ago in their quests for a better life. Immediately after, the debate about who else should be allowed to come here began. As the immigration issue once again bubbles to the top of our social consciousness, it is clear to all that the status quo is broken. We need a new system, one that respects the humanity of immigrants and realizes they can make America strong, if we let them.

With the fierce partisan battles unfolding on Capitol Hill regarding the deficit and Libya, it would be easy to cast aside immigration reform for less hectic times. However, we are in the midst of the largest wave of immigration in almost a century. There are 39 million foreign-born citizens living in the U.S. — almost 10 million of them in California — and the influx shows few signs of slowing.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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