Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Navarrette: Update from Arizona

This well known columnist was in Arizona during the height of the SB1070 debate and came back recently; he writes about the situation now. - - Donna Poisl

By Ruben Navarrette Jr.

Arizona has spent the last several months binging on a cocktail of nativism and fear with a splash of political expediency. Now comes the hangover.

It has been several weeks since I was last here in Phoenix, the nation's fifth-largest city, as part of the media contingent that descended for a quick lesson about how not to address the immigration issue. It was early August and U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton had just gutted Arizona's immigration law, preventing the worst parts from going into effect. As a result, local police -- who are out of their depth when they attempt to enforce federal immigration law -- were mercifully spared the mandate to do so. And mischievous state lawmakers were reminded that, in our system, you don't get to violate the law under the guise of defending it, and those with the itch to make immigration policy ought to run for Congress.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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