Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Reform Immigration FOR America, February update

Sent and written by Rich Stolz, ReformImmigrationFORAmerica

As 2010 slips into February, the urgency for action on comprehensive immigration reform only grows. It's time to pick it up a few notches. On March 21st thousands of workers, families, immigrants and allies are mobilizing to Washington, DC to make sure our voices get heard. We're telling the White House and Congress that the time is now, and there is no turning back on the promises they've made. So start raising money, start organizing your people, and start preparing to have your voices heard loud and clear. Mark your calendars and sign up here to stay updated.

Congressional and White House Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Reform
On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that immigration reform can and will get done this year. Senator Schumer, who is drafting a reform bill, told reporters, "our intention is to move forward" with reform efforts, echoing the intentions of this campaign. In the Spanish language media, Valerie Jarrett discounted the claims that immigration reform and jobs legislation cannot happen together: "We can do several things at once," she said. Now it is up to us to put the pressure on our leaders to ACT.

Resolutions for Reform
Several important resolutions urging Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform were passed around the country this week. The first was passed by the City Council of Philadelphia, PA, introduced by Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sánchez who said, "I am introducing this resolution because we cannot wait another generation for action." In New Hampshire, a proposed anti-immigrant resolution (that was expected to pass) was rejected entirely by the New Hampshire State House Committee in favor of a resolution calling on Congress to pass comprehensive reform! It was an amazing turnaround that came following testimony against the anti-immigrant resolution by seven New Hampshire residents. Finally, the Board of Commissioners in Barack Obama's former home of Cook County, IL passed a resolution in favor of comprehensive reform in general and the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity (CIR ASAP) Act of 2009 (H.R. 4321) bill specifically. These resolutions demonstrate the growing support from local elected officials throughout the country for CIR now!

Evangelicals for Reform
Evangelical leaders called for reform at vigils in six cities across the country this week as part of the Evangelical Witness for Immigration reform movement organized by the Christian Community Development Association. There were vigils in Chicago, Santa Ana, Memphis, Miami, Denver and Phoenix. In Phoenix, over 120 evangelical leaders came together to pray and plan for immigration reform to unite families, bring people out of the shadows and ensure equal rights for all.

Following these actions, the Washington Post published "Why evangelicals want immigration reform this year," by Galen Carey, the director of government affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). Carey discussed the religious and moral imperatives for immigration reform and the vigils held nationwide this week, saying "Evangelicals may have largely missed the civil rights battles of the 1960s, but we do not intend to repeat our mistake in 2010."

Voices like Carey's and yours are essential to this movement. While the handwringing continues in Washington, DC and disheartened or opportunistic politicians whine, opine or crow about the prospects for reform this year, we know that we're building the power we'll need from the outside-in.

See you on March 21st!

Rich Stolz
Reform Immigration FOR America


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Brittanicus said...

Will the politicians that we elect ever carry out the interests of the American people? I read today on the AMERICAN PATROL website that President Obama is in a discussion to cap government money such as cutting back on NASA appropriations the sending men back to the moon in 1020? Yet we are still spending--BILLIONS--on illegal immigrants who have managed to settle here? If we cannot afford to go back to the moon, how can we afford to pay for illegal immigration? Obama can find billions to Prop-up States like Sanctuary California to pay for illegal immigrants, but he cannot find the cash to pay for space exploration. How can we allow millions of poor people to continue to cross our borders? So why are taxpayers forced by pariah lawmakers to pay for education, health care and even now anticipating BILLIONS more dollars to enact a ominous Comprehensive Immigration Reform? We all know by now, that this is a very crafty way to pass another AMNESTY. These people who have entered this country without permission? Every time a new immigration enforcement is passed, the open border Liberal-Democrats-Republicans use their influence to water the law down. How many of us know, that the controversial border fence is by law supposed to be--TWO SEPARATE--FENCES? Senator Obama voted for it. more than three years ago, but only 35 miles of double-layered fencing is in place and much of the remaining 360 miles of the border fencing is badly constructed--without real barriers. The Truth is the government is lying to us.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109-367) was enacted October 26, 2006 in the United States. The act allows for over 700 miles (1,100 km) of double-reinforced fence to be built along the border with Mexico across cities and deserts alike, in the U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas in areas that have experienced illegal drug trafficking, human slavery, gun peddling, illegal immigration and the threat of terrorism. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California who was the originator of the double fence, has not seen this happen, nor the complete wall that is just open areas, with the old barbed wire strands. Underfunded from its inception, the border fence was compromised by the open border organization, that includes American business consortium's. As in Washington today, a team of intelligence operatives stated to Speaker Pelosi that a El Queda attack was imminent within the next 6 months. This is the time to enforce our borders with the National Guard fully armed and obviously apparent along the whole 2000 feet length. The majority of our State economies are broke--with California leading the pack. Arizona lawmakers realizing the main cause of their financial dilemma, the support of illegal workers and their families.

E-Verify is one of the most successful mechanisms to remove illegal workers, but as yet it is not mandatory. It costs nothing to use it and it has been demonized by every pro-illegal immigrant group, along with corrupt politicians and their financial clients in the business consortium's. E-Verify must be national, with no exclusions. THIS SHOULD BECOME THE No.1 PRIORITY FOR EVERY SMALL AND LARGE COMPANY, THAT KNOWINGLY HIRING A FOREIGN WORKERS CARRIES PENALTIES SUCH AS HARSH FINES AND PRISON SENTENCES. THERE SHOULD BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE?

Brittanicus said...

Our GOVERNMENT HAS SOLD ITSELF TO WALL STREET AND BOTH WALL STREET AND THE UNITED STATES ARE DEBTORS TO COMMUNIST CHINA. We cannot afford to subsidize every illegal family member, every Mother with a child who becomes an instant citizen, when 15 million Americans and residents are jobless, when our own people live in poverty. Yes! We always need exceptional highly skilled engineers and scientists, but not the indigent and desperate that we must endlessly financially support. Not semi-skilled labor that will take less wages, than our own people, who themselves will end up in the unemployment benefits line. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be connected to your Senator and Congressman and use the voting power of THE PEOPLE. Go to NUMBERSUSA AND JUDICIAL WATCH for more information about this catastrophe that could overwhelm this country in the coming months.
Latest Immigration news: President cuts border security budget
While telling the American people that national security is a priority in his administration, President Barack Obama submitted a 2011 budget proposal that includes cuts to U.S. border security. -- The proposed budget cuts include a reduction in Border Patrol agents and a cut in the amount of money allocated for the so-called "virtual fence" on the U.S.-Mexico border...

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